Company: Sewell on the go, Hull, East Yorkshire

Number of Stores: 13

Number of Employees: 240

Years in Existence: Sewell Group, parent Co.(146 yrs), Sewell on the go (34 yrs)

1 – What made you choose CBE as your EPoS supplier?

We really wanted to move our systems forward from our previous provider….quicker for our customers; more efficient for our team; improved reconciliation for our operations, and better information for us to make better decisions. Equally, we needed reliability and a positive relationship, as much as any of the aforementioned.

I am pretty sure we were one of the first adopters of CBE in the UK.

2 – What are the main trends you are observing within your industry?

Whoa, where do I start! The well-worn quote “if you don’t like change, you’ll like irrelevance even less” springs to mind…

It pretty much starts and ends with SUSTAINABILITY! A sustainable business – for us that means performance, people, planet, and community. Everything else is the detail within here.

3 – Can you describe what a typical working day looks like for you?

I’m not one for routine. In fact, I crave every day being different. Part of being a retailer means you never really switch off; for sure I have some downtime but never 100%. So whether it’s Monday, Sunday, 6 am or 10 pm, it’s whatever the business and customers ask.

4 – What do you love about your job?

I love the speed and tempo…make a decision today, change something and see the changes immediately. Many industries are quite slow from concept to execution, we can be fast to change and adapt.

5 – What do you feel is your greatest strength?

I love what I do, and that’s a great place to start….It helps to have a very POSITIVE perspective regardless of the challenges. 

6 – How do you think your employees would describe you?

I get told I’m ‘too hippy’ by one of my team in particular. By which I think ties into the ‘positive’ comment above. Not that I’m all festival and chill…far from it but that I’m always there for and customers. Whether that’s to listen, help or discuss. I think it’s really important to be visible and close to the business.

7 – What job role within your company would you be terrible at?

I think some of my team would agree….putting me in charge of finance would be “interesting”. My forecasts and interpretations would be particularly optimistic! Also, important roles requiring systematic following of processes…may also be a bit of a challenge!

8 – What is the most heartwarming thing you have ever seen an employee do for a customer?

Having 13 sites, 4 million customers a year for many years…there’s a lot! 

In fact, it’s what we pride ourselves in….it’s a CULTURAL thing, not a scripted thing. We want our team to be themselves and work only within very wide tramlines of business expectations. Quite a few surrounding customers get stranded on our sites. One in particular, I recall was where a local customer had broken down but was due to pick up their daughter at the main train station.A team member took it upon themselves to drive the customer in their own car to help pick up the young girl and drop the pair off at home (and sort the broken car issue the next day)….

9 – How do you relax after a hard day at work?

I must admit to being partial to an odd glass of wine. That said, I also love to get out in the fresh air after a hard day…a quick run or bike ride. Although to be totally honest, I don’t really view many days as hard because I enjoy the challenge.

10 – Finally, if you could have lunch with one person, who would it be, and why?

It’s a while since I’ve had a meal and catch up with Dominic…hint hint! 

But that aside, I’m not especially star-struck by anyone but I do love football…so Sir Kenny Dalglish would be good…although I’d probably struggle to understand him!

In the business world, there are a lot of household names, but of current and relevant, I think I’d enjoy a conversation with Richard Walker of Iceland Foods. I feel his business ethics and approach would be aligned with mine.